Ah, I see, not a brilliant sign then...thanks for your reply, just knowing what it is is a big help!
Tree update and another questionThe tree leaves were not looking good for some time although they and the wood of the tree were alive. I did...
i got some of the iriso feeders from suttons, they seem ok www.suttons.co.uk/Sh...www.gardeningleisure...After a bit of fiddling I found that...
well i think i've seen one twice, or it could have been the thing that looks a lot like it, as both times it was darkish. i do think this is the...
Just put some provado vine weevil killer on some of my pots, and now realised that its bad for bees.Coz it smelled so dreadful I only used...
it might not be showing up in part it says its in if you haven't sorted by Last post time in descending order (dunno why, only just noticed this...
if i'm broke, i use a bit of milk diluted in water for houseplants, and that's always worked ok...
I've got a few of these hanging off some seedlings, anyone know what they are?picture not very clear, but they're about 3mm long
I have a teeny tiny garden, and I love teeny tiny plants anyway ... I really want a dwarf rosemary, like the haifa/capri/boule/fota blue. It...
It's amazing what turns up in my tiny garden. So far I've got a pansy that didn't die during the cold winter, and what looks like a Canna...Good...
i love how you can spend ages searching before asking something, and then find the answer straight after!Its probably a red oak.
I've got this little sapling, about 3 inches tall, growing in the garden. All the tree ID sites are telling me that its an oak, but then why are...
cheers for the advice!i just got a couple of primulas for now, ill see if i can get to GC soonish...i really want some water forget-me-nots and...
Can someone please recommend me a bog plant or two that I will almost certainly be able to get from homebase? Smallish stuf would be idealSpent...
Thanks ClaraLou, I think you've covered everything!I'm gonna put everything against that fence, as I really like the over-stuffed look in a...
yep, i choose them all well, i think! but appararently the Fragrantissima can get VERY rampant, so thats why I'm a little concerned! But them I...
I could really use some advice on how to organise some plants! I've got a north facing fence that I want to make look nice, especially in...
yeah, i realise its quite likely to die, but I was having fun digging really.I probably like digging too much.i think it may have a little...
ah, just read what i wrote and thought hmmm....all downy roots are not taproots! i am clever.found the actual taproot, got confused as bricks...
hey yeah, that might be pretty cool, thanks!ill give this one a go first though...:)uh, yet another n00b question - is there a depth at which...
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