Ok lovely thanks. I thought they would be fine and also out old garden with Lavender certainly had plenty of weeds!!
Hi, I know this is the wrong place to post but I also know a lot of people look here.So quick question about Lavender - i’m sure I read...
Hiyes found that thanks, but I’m thinking of a different common name so perhaps a different plant altogether.ThanksWill
yes this is it thanks! But it’s not the common name I had in my head (Loosestrife) Perhaps I’m getting mixed up with another plant.thanks both
well spotted, I was referring to the plant on the right of the picture.
Thanks for turning the images.
Has yellow flowers.....
Has a common name but can’t remember it.....
Thanks, well what threw me off was the leaves have quite red veins. Not sure i’ve noticed that before. Also the way the flowers are forming isn’t...
Hi, another plant that I thought was going to be a Foxglove, but i’m not so sure now. Could it be a Thistle?Sorry, it’s the correct way up on my...
Right, been out and had a look and guess what, there is more of it of course. Cut and removed for now, will have a go at digging up roots at some...
Ok thanks for your reply and thanks Pete too.
do you think it could be the green alkanet too?i must admit, the pics I have found of Alkanet on the internet don’t convince me it is.
Hi,can anyone help with this one please?ThanksWill[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Said garden and Oak Tree!
Our new house backs on to woods which is full of Ash trees. Also our garden has a young Oak right in the middle. Not sure how big our garden is in...
Thanks, love ash trees but too close to the house for this one!
Just moved house and this is in front garden.ThanksWill
Hi, thanks i’ve just had a look and you could be right. My mum found it in her garden and asked me if it was Japanese Knotweed, as our neighbour...
Separate names with a comma.