Hi Liz Yes silvery grey and brown leaves too. It is 4ft and thought about taking it up as sounds just like you said. Only had plums the first year...
Not been online for a while here and seen the site has all changed. Anyway my plum tree which was fine 2 years ago is looking real bad. No plums...
We have a lovely Eucalypts which is growing rapidly!! My parents also love it so thought for Christmas could buy them one. Would I still be able...
I have always left fuschias until Feb/March before cutting back and they have always grown beautifully lush the following season yet some people...
Thanks but as said had to cut it back because of neighbours fence!!!!! June July is the time to prune them anyway. Am confident it will be fine...
Am sure not a delphinium!!!
Last year our plum tree was lush with gorgeous plums. We had a new fence between us and the neighbours so had to prune back the tree rather hard...
Very nice pics but wouldnt stop our problem! Thanks anyway. Nothing is going to grow quick enough to stop it now and cant think of anything else...
Hi there Our neighbour has raised decking and him also being over 6ft tall, every time we are in the garden or even in our conservatory he seems...
Thanks Alice! Mentions contacting someone in Environmental Health, is it that serious as read that on another web page. Keeping a close eye on the...
Do you think? Cut the rhodi down to shin level and hubby not pleased but it was everywhere, stems included. NOt many people here seem to have...
A black sooty mould yes!!
I cut back my 6ft rhododendrum at the weekend as smothered with black leaves, not one healthy shoot and now my choisyea at the other end of the...
Have now just cut my rhodendrum right down as diseased, am quite gutted as was 6ft tall but seriously black leaved and diseased - not 1 healthy...
Or try slicing a lemon and adding to the soil as they dont like the smell!
My rhododendrum has been beautiful in the past yet noticed that it has black leaves at the bottom in particular. It is well established, 6ft in...
Hello Being a gardener I always use electric flymo lawnmowers which I love and have gone through some over the years. Already I am being asked to...
It is okay to plant red hot pokers now isnt it?? Thanks, Lisa:yez:
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