I do have the nigra version but only planted last year so it is still a small shrub. I aslo have the Aurea version which was planted 5 years ago...
Redcurrants - Blackbirds Blackcurrants - never actually seen what takes them but I don't get any. Cherries - Blackbirdirds Raspberries - they do...
I fully agree, but I assume they are coming from the same tree. At least it is a problem which is soon solved.
The roots are usually not to deep if you dig down the sucker you should get a direction the roots are coming from then simply trace back to your...
Hi Looks like a sucker from a nearby plant, maybe a plum tree?
My Cordylines were frosted this year and it has shot from the base, looking like yours but the main trunk was dead. I have cleaned around the...
They are back!!!, just checked this morning and two of the plants are just starting to shoot.
When I had a sudden in flux of fish, the existing fish were too small to spawn and the only change that I had was to add some pond plants from a...
I will wait then Sussexgardener if any sign of life appears during the summer it will be pampered and wrapped up this winter like my tree fern.
Was it generally a bad winter for passion flowers all 3 of my plants have died (2x3 and a 4 year old plant). The stems are brown when scraped and...
With the position of the stumps I think extraction is the best way.
In the past I have used SBK poured into holes drilled into the stump, but not on an area for a veg plot. Have you used a winch on your landrover...
No 1 if you add a picture when it flowers it will be easier to identify it.
No2 a euphorbia - milky sap when the stem is broken (where gloves) No3 maybe a willow herb
It makes mine look puny in comparison.
The top I removed when it turned to mush, (which is strange because a second plant in the same bed was not as bad with the snow and frost) the...
I seemed to have gained a white foxglove in the garden. Are the stalks normally flat with more than the normal number of flowers?:scratch:
I wish mine looked as tatty as that, I have just the stalk left. But it is sending shoots from the base.
Separate names with a comma.