There are two types of slug pellets out there - ones based on Metaldehyde and Methiocarb which are potentially lethal to pets, wildlife, children...
Should I point out that Sauromatum, like other Aroids, grows from a tuber rather than a corm? :D
The ants will actually be doing the composting work for you. They aerate, break-down and even digest much of the material in the compost and will...
Also, the majority of bracket fungi can only enter already dead material on a tree - i.e. they are exploiting an already diseased, damaged or...
Hi Silu,Kirengeshoma is a fabulous plant, well, pair or species strictly speaking...K. palmata is actually very hardy and not the sort of thing...
Andy, These are one of our most spectacular native insects, I'd be thrilled to have one (or more!) in the garden.As Ros says, the larvae...
We have a couple of them in the garden - approx 10 and 15 years old respectively. Neither have flowered as yet although the larger one is now...
Most definitely a Berberis (Barberry) rather than a Mahonia, though they are both in the same family (Berberidaceae) and both have edible (if...
I'd agree, it's a Garden Spider - Araneus diadematus.
Shield bugs fall into two groups. One lot are sap-suckers and cause small puncture wounds in the soft tissue of plants....although generally not...
Hi Rikchard,It's a Pittosporum, almost certainly P. tobira, but I can't be 100% sure since there around 200 species....
Hi Adam,I use the Aquidrip water spikes which have a kind of adjustable tap thing on the bottom that allows you to regulate the water flow. The...
Hi Newtoallthis!We have over 60 varieties of bamboo in the garden including many species of Fargesia so I hope I can help a bit on this one....
Hi Tom,Good to hear your potatoes are thriving...they certainly do flower and can be quite pretty I think!There are two types of slug pellets...
Definitely a Buddleja (that's with a "j" by the way :D ) - Ant: it should flower later in the Summer if the growth gets large enough.
It's an Hibiscus syriacus - a shrub....and a plant....
Definitely sounds like a Teasle...
They were De Rigueur in the 1970's!
Although it's perhaps not that widely appreciated all Rhus species are toxic if ingested and Rhus typhina is certainly no different, despite (or...
Tom,you definitely don't need to be spending £250 on an indoor watering set-up unless you're looking at a full-blown irrigation system. Since...
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