We've used them. They seemed to work for a while but then the moles came back. We got the local molecatcher in, and he showed Mr R how and where...
I've just received four plants from Coblands (coblands.co.uk), two achillea, one gypsophila and a helenium. I'm so impressed with them! The...
Sorry, Miraflores, I have to disagree. Courgettes and zucchini are exactly the same thing, depending on where in the world you come from, eg...
Long view. August 2012
And from the other end.... August 2012
Still some gaps, but not bad. August 2012
Looking pretty good. August 2012
Tipping in the new topsoil. June 2011
Shape dug out, dogs very curious! June 2011
Shape of new bed marked out, machinery on site, June 2011.
Fabulous warm summer day. Lovely to work in the garden surrounded by the contented buzzing of the bees. But all I've been doing is hand weeding...
They look like weeds to me. I don't know what aloe vera seedlings look like, mind, but they're definitely not lavender!
Thanks, Armandii. I do hope I can get them to flower as I do love them.
But now I come to think of it, at our previous house we buried two paeonies under three feet of soil and they came up through it!
Mine goes to geranium too. If it were my garden it would be the buddleia that came out!
Definitely a penstemon. Looks a bit like Laura but there are so many I woudn't like to say for certain.
Scorpio, I see you are in Kent. How hardy do you think the abutilons are? I'm very taken with your pictures but wonder if they would survive up...
I have two potentilla fruticosas - Red Ace and Tangerine - which grow very happily in the shade of my shed and flower prolifically every year. Of...
I expect you mean pelargoniums. My dear departed father-in-law overwintered cuttings very successfully every year in his unheated greenhouse first...
Separate names with a comma.