think the shiney stuff will have to stay out then, thanks all, is there anything else thats best kept out the compost bin? been told not to use...
is it ok to use shiney paper, like magazines, in a compost bin, if so would i need to shred it first or is it ok to put it in screwed up? also...
tell you what i'll do, i'll put out another post about the shiney paper, thanks
would you believe i took a car load of cardboard to the dump yesterday, just before i made my post!!!!! must admit the only stuff to go into the...
dont know what im doing wrong, ive got one of those black plastic compost bins from the council, ive been filling it with kitching waste (no meat...
could it be limescale from the hard water you get in London??
in my experience soaker hoses, seep hoses, leaky hoses, or what ever you want to call them are a waste of time and even can cause you more...
thanks, Paladin. very limited space in the garden, but someone tells me you can get compost bins in the shape of beehives, i'd better start...
i'm thinking of making or buying a compost bin, and this may sound stupid, most plastic bins have no bottoms, do you put them on to soil or a hard...
you could try the horticultural correspondance college, they seem to do a wide range of courses, not done one myself, but they look ok,
readers digest encyclopaedia of garden plants and flowers. to me it's like the garderers bible, that and hillier's manual of trees and shrubs, and...
yes, iv'e got one (sorry about the late reply) they were giving them away with autumn lawn fertilizer in the local garden centre.(Ruislip)
mixed woodland? maybe something like hornbeam, beech, or hawthorn. all good hedgeing plants and all very good for wildlife.
yes very common on limes, the sticky deposits are what is called honeydew, (basically aphid sh*t) and the black substance is sooty mould growing...
well, "Barnsley" should be VERY pale pink (almost white) with a red eye. it is still quite common to see a lavatera labeled as "Barnsley" with a...
I personally would prune by half or down to about 3-4 foot in autumn and hard prune in spring, reason being lavatera can split if too top heavy,...
thank you all very much, alicante is a variety that i wont be growing for a while, think i'll try one of the suggestions,i would post a photo, but...
i'm growing a tomato plant in the greenhouse (alicante)problem is, the tomatoes don't seem to ripen properly,tomatoes grow to the size of tennis...
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