Hi Em What plants, trees , bulbs etc do you have in mind for your Scottish theme ? If you are looking for some guidance or suggestions, there is...
Make my own jam with fruit from PYO farms and also from local hedgerows etc (bramble jelly & rowan jelly. Also have problems with sticky residue...
Hi folks Can anyone suggest reasons why my autumn flowering crocus all fell over :( ? The stems seemed to be really weak. Could it be they were...
Pogles Wood, Pippin and Tog, The Tufty Club, saturday matinee cartoons at the pictures (cinema), penny dainties, scrambles at weddings, leather...
Hi Liz Thanks for the reply. She grown sunflowers for the last two years, and this year she added runner beans and french beans. She likes carrots...
Saturday mornings on TV - Champion the Wonder Horse, Casey Jones & The Cannonball Express.
I am currently selecting my seeds for my veggie beds for next year and, as my four year old daughter seems to be quite interested in the concept...
As one who is about to convert half a garden to a fruit and veg plot, I would like to add my support to this idea too. Rat
I have a yew in the corner of my garden which has never been pruned- at least not since I moved in four years ago. The yew is about 4 ft across...
Hi Jjordie At long last, here it is, straight from the Texan's mouth (well, via her E mail anyway!) Pumpkin Pie;IngredientsShortcrust pastry...
Brazil There are definitely perks to my job - working outside isone of them - would rather spend winter up to my knees in water, hands like ice,...
Just had to post this to let you know that today I saw an amazing amount of wildlife whilst at work. The count from 7 this morning til 5 this...
Laburnum Your grass seed should be okay - we've just this week sown 17 acres on reclaimed land up here and the boss seems fairly confident it will...
Getting half a pig and half a lamb butchered on the kitchen table
Separate names with a comma.