wait for the foliage to die back and remove it, leave the corm in place and it will make new corms and slowly spread.Pete
Froggy Convict!! the thought never entered our minds Honest!! :lollol:Pete
G'day Jay, welcome to Gardeners corner, you'll soon learn to garden in our lovely cool country, well it's cool compared to ???? where you...
Ah well!! can't be right all the time :hehe:Pete
Hi Hans, you can buy bagged farmyard manure at most garden centres, I don't think it's quite as smelly as the real Mcoy. here's an example....
I think it's one of the Nicotiana varieties, it may be a hybrid I have one growing in my front garden, it's an annual, self seeds all over the...
I have a C. Montana Rubens, just to confuse the issue further I have never pruned it in the 5 years I've had it.:hehe:Pete
Hi Lolly, the seeds are very cheap to buy and it hardly seems worth the trouble of saving your own, BUT!! saving your own seed and growing...
Hi Andrew, cutting back your elder hard will do it no harm and it will regrow quickly, they can grow pretty big, so pruning it hard will help...
Started misty early this morning, a little chilly. but now a warm sunny afternoon, Bliss!!Pete
Hi Steve, Welcome to GC. Enjoy!!Pete
failing that you could always try conifers, there are several that can be grown in containers with plenty of choice of colour....
Hi Arterion, :wlcm: to Gardeners Corner, if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask, everyone on here are friendly a good crowd.Pete
Hello Colin, welcome to Gardeners Corner. we are a friendly crowd on here you will be made most welcome.Regards Pete
you and me both mate!! :lollol::wink:Pete
Hi Feddy, welcome to Gardeners Corner. Enjoy!!Pete
didn't know you were old enough to remember Montbretia M F :hehe:Pete
I don't think there is a downside to having frogs in your garden, other than when you have hundreds of froglets marching across your lawn, check...
that's good D R, your bamboo really look impressive, good to know it's not invasive, some varieties are a nightmare aren't they.Pete
Hi Harry, there is usually a member or two online to answer any questions, you will rarely wait long. enjoy the forum.Pete
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