Is it Campanula or Lesser Celandine, just a thought?
To give you some idea.Blackstart[MEDIA]
Those larger leaves look like Rodgersia podophylla, probably growing below the Meadow Sweet.Blackstart
Possibly Eucryphia spBlackstart
As mentioned before I would get some water on the turf. When I used to lay turf watering was done via a sprinkler and left in each position for...
We have a regular hedgehog visiting our garden, sometimes more than one. We have seen up to five in previous years. They come onto the patio to...
@Dovefromabove, many thanks for your informative reply. Regards Blackstart
Hi @Dovefromabove, can you give an example of one of these W&F ferts that contain a pre-emergent herbicibe? I also have a bit of a problem with...
My lawns are growing at a pace at the moment so I will cut them as soon as a suitable dry day comes along. Very frosty here (warwickshire) this...
My thoughts....Matthiola incana.Blackstart
As advised on the Screwfix Forum
I have just visited my local garden centre/nursery and noticed they sell wallflowers in pots of 5 or bare root in 10s for around £4.50.I...
I use an edging iron but have also used a sharp kitchen knife.Blackstart
Possibly P x rectus 'Somerford Funfair Orange'.Blackstart
Looks like Phygelius, Cape Figwort.Blackstart
Hi, the grass weed looks like annual meadow grass. A real pain and very difficult to eradicate from a lawn.Blackstart
Could be a pooly looking Hebe.Blackstart
Yes, sometimes you can help by gently removing the old seed case if the plant does not shed it itself, depending on the risk you are prepared tp...
Presumably epigeal germination.Blackstart
Hi, I'm probably wrong but the last couple of photos look a bit like Ash to me. I think I can see opposite buds. Sorry if I'm wrong.Blackstart
Separate names with a comma.