If you've ever hear Cicada's they take some beating.
Thanks for the info, I will give it a go also I will wait until I move it.
Who loses buys a round down the local, havent set a date to judge by just a bit of fun really.
I have a Stipa Gigantea in the garden doing well, So well I have to dig it up end of the year and donate it to my mothers large garden as its...
I have a competition with my next door neighbour to see who will grow the largest sunflower.Useing turkey manure and occasional miracle grow...
Thanks MF for replying, I had a look at it yesterday and its gone back to looking healthy..for now!. Thanks for the links, It says to change...
Just wondered if anyone could shed some light on this problem, I have a Goji Berry and all the large leaves turned white and dropped off, I could...
Thanks for the replies:thmb:, Pete, I will have to ask the Parish council or Land owner where I can replant it, My garden certainly cant...
I have always known it to be Cedar of Lebanon, Wikipedia might have made a mistake, Ive found reference to it here...
Having grown up in the same village as whats supposedly one of the largest cedars in Europe I thought I'd pay a visit and find a cone (or whats...
Just north of Norwich to be a little more precise:okies: Ive joined to gain and maybe give a bit of my 'limited' knowledge. I have a fairly...
Separate names with a comma.