I'm guessing you would only use it where special quality was need then and you had the time to give it attention. It makes sense about being...
Just a thought weed membrane is water permeable and as grass has fine roots it may well grow into and through the membrane. I seem to remember...
I'll have another go then
I'll give it chance before I say any more.
Bit dodgy this morning, keeps threatening to rain. Overcast and cool is a good description.
Not sure but the first one looks like a Sussex, the second could be a Welsummer but no idea with the third one
They won't do any real harm, when you empty the bin throw them on the lawn for the birds or get some chickens and let them sift the compost for you.
Shotgun Wedding (can't remember who it's by)[hr] There's a guy works down the chip shop swear's he's Elvis - Kirsty MacColl[hr] England 2...
Lords and ladies round our way don't know why
Well, yes but you would still need support and the yield from 1 plant is not going to be very high. Any reason why you only want 1 plant ? For...
Never going to match a fully grown tree but should give a good yield per square mt and you can grow more varieties. If I was planing apples it...
Can anyone shed some light on the viability of growing beans particularly runner or climbing french outside the normal crop rotation using the...
A Di Nero quote I thinkTaxi Driver springs to mind
It should have been me - Yvonne Fair[hr] I'm gonna miss her - Brad Paisley
Is it anything to do with weight 240 pennyweights equals 1 lbJust a thought
Just a thought is your garden lower than the ones around you? They might be draining off into yours.
Hmm have you thought about a trellis with climbers on your side maybe a mixture of roses, clematis honeysuckle or Cotaneaster horizontalis...
4 cats Gizmo, Holly, Penny and Sophie (Sophie is Penny's daughter)12 Chickens 3 Sussex Matilda, Lacey and Bex 2 Warrens Star and Scarlet 3 Pekin...
RE: IMPULSE BUY - HELP111Well don't know much about Citrus but as far as I know they are frost tender so will need a frost free home in winter,...
Separate names with a comma.