Thompson sounds like he was super intelligent! Were your dogs quite anti social with people and other dogs on their walks? We believe Lucy...
Thanks for that Redstar - always nice to hear from someone who is experienced with Border Collies, until you have one you don't understand the...
I feel I may have done my little Lucy a diservice really, she is incredibly well trained in almost all areas but trampling of plants. It's...
Trouble is our neighbours have 2 very yappy dogs and this makes ours run at the fence to bark back at them - she is incredibly intelligent but...
I have recently moved my roses into a border, the trouble is my Border Collie likes to run through the bed and I am worried she is going to kill...
Hi everyone, very new to gardening but have set up a composter about a year ago. Just had to move it all out and dig the Dalek in a bit deeper as...
Thank you all so much for your helpful advice, it certainly has given me somewhere to start.
Evening all, I have recently got into gardening but confess I know nothing about it!!!My garden is south westerly facing so almost all of...
Afternoon all, my hyacinths have finally finished flowering and I was wondering what I need to do with them so that I can replant them again next...
Hi everyone, I know this is a big ask and not very likely as you are all very keen gardeners but does anyone local to where I live in...
We have 11 rats - 5 males and 6 females. All are very friendly, handleable and are very nosey!My 15 year old Daughter has taught the girls...
Thanks for the link Marley Farley - looks like I will have to continue my search! Could get a butterfly plant but don't really have the room for...
It's Latin name is GENUS HAKEA LISSOCARPHA - Hope this helps?
I have found some seeds for sale on E-bay sent from Australia and wondered if anyone here had tried to grow them? It says they are drought and...
Good Evening AllNew Girl here, I have recently only got into gardening now that the children are older and don't need constant supervision and...
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