Clueless1, got my seedlings on a bench in the garden shed, out of the reach of little fingers ;) Yesterday, they discovered the little patch I...
That's what I want my two little 'uns to be like... I want to involve them, so they have a love of the garden, and not be running around screaming...
Thanks Guys The first image (with Jupiter) was shot with a modified webcam (makes it act like a fancy DSLR with cooling etc), 17Gb of image data...
Thats a plan... although, knowing our two, they'll soon have a "workround" to bypass said fence/blockade lol SF
It's been a while.... so I decided to get my finger oot, and get the garden tidied up for the Spring, planting some Tulips, and other bulbs here...
Haven't been on GC for a bit, the winter months lure me back to my true love, astronomy. Here's a couple of recent ones taken with my new...
how large is the file? Would need to be very large to cause the machine to use it's swapspace! As Clueless1 suggests, get as much RAM as your...
Think that happens to the best of us - with me it usually involves DIY, and tools. Hence my wife has banned me from DIY incase I do myself a...
Have two dell bells running Gentoo Linux and never had a problem. Last time one crashed, was in the days of Windows, and those days are gladly a...
... And as expected when I plan to power up the scope.. rain and cloud! pah!
It also takes up as much of the night sky as the full moon :cool: And if I remember (No I wasn't around then), it was as bright as the Sun...
We were clouded out... wanted to try and film the sky with an old CCTV camera (low LUX) and motion detection software... will need to wait for the...
Woohoo! I came off nightshift this morning... Going to "try" and image M101 (the Galaxy that the supernova is in) this weekend, weather...
well what can I say... biscuit grabbers like pork chipolatas :loll:SF
Well, I guess what I'm going to be doing when I come off my night-shifts this week... :/Thanks guys
Upgrading your graphics really depends on your current system - ie is the graphics onboard? or are they handled by a seperate card (either PCI(e)...
Would be good if there was a mammal that just ate roots that you wanted to get rid of - that would solve all our problems (and save us some...
Thanks Ziggy. Might just try a gallon of 4* and a match, might be a bit quicker lol
... 40 and a wee bit :D Still act like I'm 20 - just ask my wife (and year old twins lol). The only difference is I seem to have found a penalty...
Ha! That made me remember a telly program from years ago lolAnyway, been trying to turn a bit of my garden over, with my trusty fork (non...
Separate names with a comma.