Just picked up a coated-steel wheelbarrow with pneumatic tyre for £10. :) Looks like it's been in the storeroom for a while but that's my father's...
Yep, that's exactly what he did @"M" as the tree surgeon said it would look odd just trimmed. The light in that end of the garden now is...
Not strictly something that I am doing in the garden, as I'm stuck in the office, but something we are having done. These trees are getting a tad...
No worries, hope I got the idea across.:smile: I didn't realise it was both sides of the steps, might be harder to retain than I thought.:scratch:
Not sure about the ids but how about removing the grass, putting down a weed membrane, covering with gravel/shingle and planting a range of...
I'm planning to build a green wall using pallets, to hide our bins and a water butt. My wife also wants a table made from pallets and my boys want...
Planted out 10 sunflowers and 1 rudbeckia Goldsturm yesterday whilst my wife butchered a hydrangea! :yikes: Got another 10 sunflowers and 5...
Welcome and I'm interested. :)
All the spring bulbs and some summer ones are half price in the Newcastle store. :) I picked a white dicentra for 85p! :smile:
I received an email from Gardner's World Magazine with various offers. If you use the code GW16WAPR with any purchase from Sarah Raven and are in...
Yesterday I moved a hellebore (which was a lot bigger than I realised!) so that I could relocate my boys' playhouse. Took down some old concrete...
Has anyone got a spare code and I'll send one back? :)
Cut and edged the lawn at the weekend whilst my boys were climbing trees. The sweet peas I planted in late Jan are coming through, so I watered...
Done, thanks for the heads up. :)
I've never used this before, is this as good or better than Miraclegro? :smile:
Out of stock near me. :sad:
I got a rose arch for £1.50, down from £6. It came up as £5 @ the till, so I queried it but they changed the shelf edge to £5 after I'd bought...
I love looking all the way through this thread every once in a while, just drives me on further to try and create something similar. Your alpines...
Good luck, I hope it goes well. :-) I'd love to try that course but with work and the children, spare time is not something I have a lot of! :-)
That looks lovely and is a real inspiration. :) I'm trying to do things on a tight budget and this just goes to show what can be achieved. :)...
Separate names with a comma.