No problem Davy, always take far to many cuttings and struggle to find room for them all, let you know what i have once we get the winter over. Bob
Hi Davy. Give me a shout on what your looking for and will send you some cuttings next Year. Bob
Hi CosmosGuy. No problem still 5 left, just PM me with address, and i will get it in the post for you. Bob
Hi Davy. My 2 main shows are [1]the Scottish which is the first weekend in September and [2]Central Scotland the second weekend of September, I...
Hi Davy. Yep thats Brian Breary, i have a soft spot for the encliandras,i grow 7 different one's, have a nice ring of Brian Breary that should...
Hi Kate. Thats your one booked for you, Just PM me when your ready for it, with your address. Bob
Hi All. Just to get the Fuchsia swop up and running, i have 6 Encliandra [Brian Breary] going spare, sorry i dont have photo's but description can...
Hi Scotkat. Very interested in Fuchsia swop, i grow 300+ broken down to around 80 cultivars [to many to list here]. I'm an exhibitor and getting...
Hi All. I have been using Mycorrhizal fungi on my fuchsias for the past 2 years, and have noticed a marked difference in root growth and the...
Dai. If you took the time to ask me what i ask for cuttings, you would have found i only ask the price of the post, so if that makes me a...
Hi Lazydog, Riccartonii is a fast growing bush so yep i would say 3 seasons should give you a decent hedge, and glad for once i got something...
Hi lazydog, Might be Ricartonii which has small red/dark violet blooms which is the most common one used but that grows all over the UK, hard to...
Whoops Clueless Geography was never one of my strong points and thats pretty bad seeing i'm an ex sailor :o
Hi Clueless. Sunray is an upright, but the foliage is a mixture of light greens and creamy edges and flushed red. Daft old me never looked at...
Hi Lazydog. It's only well rooted cuttings i send out, in pots and in plastic containers designed for sending in post, and i only send them out...
Hi Clueless, The fuchsia you are on about is Autumnale, [trailing cultivar] makes a good hanging basket. A few other Fuchsias with variegated...
Hi Melannie. With not knowing what type of rose you are growing in the pot, Hybrid T, Floribunda or Patio and the size of the pot, I'm stabbing...
Oh well Ziggy St Andrews Day a long way off, have to content myself with Battered Mars Bars and Irn Bru.:o Bob
Sorry meat eater here, But still trying to bag me a Haggis :heehee: Bob
Hi Melannie. Is it possable that your rose is pot bound [not enough room for the roots to spread] that would cause it to go weak, and it may be...
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