Thanks Kristen :)
Anybody else suffering with aphids this year? I don't remember having a problem last year but this year.....aphid city. I read somewhere soap...
Thank for the reply much appreciated.That's interesting regarding growing the plant over an arch, I just happen to have such an arch waiting to...
Hi,My experience of gardening is minimal.Yesterday I was in Home Base and saw they had a special on berry trees, £12 for three, so without...
By all means feel free to post, makes more sense than adding to the exisitng count of knotweed threads.The general consensus seems to be long...
Hey bvuddy, thanks fOr the thumbs up.We have spoekn to the environment peeps at our council, we have an obligation as far the disposal goes...
I won't tell them I have already been spraying for a week.
Dear neighbour,I would like to bring your attention to the area of land at the end of XXXXXX Close, adjoining the rear of my property, XXX...
Other side of the fence
Ha ha, yes I kept my cool, barely.OK I get the message, will Roundup all over those suckers until I see results, and continue to pursue the...
Oh OK. I only came across the Roundup stashed in my shed after I had used all the other stuff. I heard from a neighbour that a family further down...
Cool thanks for the advice
Hey Sheal, yes I did indeed mean glyphosphate, my mistake, I gather that the bets stuff to use. Thanks for the words of encouragement
An update on my situation. The +/- 10 plants in my garden I hacked down, filled the stems with a special mix of meths, ivy poison, toilet duck and...
Are machetes legal in england?
Jeez, didn't realise I had such a serious task ahead of me. I thought the neighbour was crazy the way he was talking about it, clearly he knows...
Thanks everybody for the responses, and the welcome. I take all of your advice into consideration with my plan for removing the vile Japanese...
Hi, I just moved into my new house, the neighbour pointed out that we have some Japanese Knotweed in the bottom of our garden which has come...
Separate names with a comma.