In the last 3years Beth didn't cope being left by herself for the day whilst we worked, so we had started taking her to my Nan's house before...
Hi Borrowers, Here's some photos of my Beth, she was small for a collie cross, but definitely had the face and personality of a collie. If I...
I lost my little girl 6 weeks ago, she was a beautiful collie crossed with about every other breed known to man! She was 12 years old, full of...
A few weeks ago my whole lettuce crop was demolished by slugs, I have since put netting over them and some of my lettuce has recovered. Then I...
"Here's looking at moo, kid"sorry, it had to be done! :heehee:
Although it's a good idea in principle, easy to understand and use for even the most mildly intelligent among us, the type of fool who rings for...
Shh! Don't blow my secret identity :cool:
Well I survived the night, Sheal you were right it was liked I'd never left! And I'm just getting ready to go back for the next night shift...
Work - to my utter disdain I have to go back to work tonight for a night shift after 10 days annual leave! Cruelty!
Ziggy - no I was born in 88, so I'm the grand old age of 22 :cool:The 62 is reference to the Euphrasie screen name, 1862 when Les Miserables...
I have family in Wales who would agree with you there, but I think I'll take my chances with Melinda and stick with my dulcet Lahndan accent :heehee:
I am a total newbie and I would like to say the recommendations in this thread have been useful to me and Jack, I share your frustrations with the...
Hey, I recently moved a basil plant into the garden and it's lower leaves have started to look a bit sorry for themselves. How do I manage this?...
Hi Roslyn, In my pots I have sage, rosemary, basil, mint, parsley, dil, thyme and coriander in little window herb growing pots, and then I've also...
Either that or a great sumo wrestler :loll:
Talking of questionable baby names, that 16lb baby's parents are called Janet and Michael... so they called the baby JaMichael.... hmmmm.
Hello!I'm not only a newbie to the site but also to gardening. I started last week with some herbs and a few vegetables, which aren't looking...
Separate names with a comma.