Bought 2. 1 didn't work so they sent me a 3rd one. Moles all went. Briefly. Winter came & not enough sun. Moles came back. Now only 1 works ie...
Thank you
[IMG] Excuse the means by which the woman who works long hours creates a flower bed but it'd the best pic I have of the g/h.
I have inherited an 8'x8' greenhouse that has a glass roof but the side glass panels have been replaced by corrugated polythene. They had small...
[IMG][IMG] Sitting area now gone. Trellis gone. Clematis has been bedded in elsewhere temporarily & hopefully will survive. Sitting area going...
Sitting area on way to being a place for the car with framework to grow wisteria up
5'9 & a half"!
I'm with Clueless. Blackberry Torch marvellous for taking pics & have even managed to download music but I struggle to use it as a phone :scratch:
This is really helpful Clueless. I must admit I had/have concerns about the effect of the hedge as the grass was poorer on that side but the...
poit=point & face =fence!!
Thanks Moonraker. A statue! Hadn't thought of anything like that, will certainly give it some thought. It would be seen from the road & the house...
Ok.Advice & help needed. New bed created on west side of south facing garden next to fence which is next to hedgerow which is next to road. Sandy...
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