DSC0235 Acer" Orange Dream"
DSC02344 Callicarpa
Welcome Crissue! fancy seeing you here!!!LOL
DSC02453 (640x480) (640x480)Hamamelis leaves showing Autumn tints
DSC02480 (640x480) Acer.
DSC02484 (640x480) Acer reflected in mirror.View through to pool.
DSC02043 (640x480) This is the same rose as the one in the next photo before it opened.
DSC02078 (640x480) Can anyone identify this rose please?It is a hybrid tea.
Hi Armandii,Thanks for the welcome!:D Don't want a pugilistic scene:help: My gloves have been packed away for the summer!
Hi Ziggy! Fancy visiting my corner of Wales.Norman wall still erect aided by occasional council intervention!!!:WINK1:
DSC00553 (640x480)Chocolate Delight
DSC01308 (640x480)
DSC00580 (640x480)
DSC01305 (640x480)
Hello! I'm a new member here.Noticed you have an interest in WFMeadows.Have just put aside a small area in my lawn to do just that.Would...
DSC02041 (640x480) Back patio.(Northside)
DSC02003 (640x480) Back Patio (Southside)
DSC02038 (640x480) View from pool patio to fields infront.
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