How tall will the canes have to be for french beans i think they are the climbing beans?
If you wish to buy poultry from a registered supplier they will have been innoculated and certified as such although lots of people breed their...
I shall give it a try but not on such a vast scale perhaps a ten foot long trench will be enough for me to be digging.
My chickens are free range happy hens,i wouldn't think that the pelleted manure will be affected but you never know it's a good excuse for...
Tell me more geoff my friend do you scrunch the paper up? or does it just lay in they trench? how deep is the trench and do you sow the beans in...
We are lucky here the county council will provide as many dalek composters as you need and the local council provides as many green wheelie bins...
Ethanol is an alternative to oil fuels but why can't it be made more available it costs a fraction of what it costs to produce petrol perhaps the...
that didn't come across properly i thought that the numbers of people dying were taken into account when the counter flips the new population...
I was under the impression that the figures on the counter had taken all of the figures into account?
At the time of writing this defra do not require anyione who has less than 50 birds to register,maybe they couldn't cope with the volume when they...
The amount of pollution per person may be higher for the UK but that is because India and china have excessive populations in terms of filth...
It could have got into the poultry sheds in many ways the units are "sealed" in the sense that the last person in closes the door behind them!it...
It must be noisy living on a main road,all the traffic fumes can't be good for you. There is no easy answer to the problem but in the UK the...
Not at all funny, typical southern gits ignorance.offensive drivel
Climbing roses should be trained horizontally to get lots of blooms it looks like you need something that will give plenty of height you could try...
I am on clay all over my ground and at the moment it looks more like a paddy field
A friend of mine got a badgers sett under his caravan its a static one only used in summer and when he arrived there was a big pile of earth and...
We are lucky to have a wildlife officer here but one police officer i spoke to naievely thought that as the badgers were on private land no one...
Bring back the birch!! too many insurance companies will try to wriggle out of paying out for a claim, but they are only too pleased to help and...
Dog napping is big business these days a prog on tv some weeks ago told of how the dogs are targetted and once the reward is offered, the thug who...
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