100 Bulbs, new bed, general help, and Hello :)

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Chef_uk, Apr 30, 2011.

  1. Chef_uk

    Chef_uk Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 30, 2011
    Sleaford, Lincs
    Hello everyone. New here :) and I’m after some advice already. I’ve just taken an interest in growing my own veg as of last September and the bug seems to have spread to non-edibles.

    Yesterday I only went to buy some more compost and came home with 100 bulbs consisting of:

    30 Brodiaea Queen Fabiola
    25 Anemone De Caen
    20 Gladioli Victore Borge
    3 Asiatic Lily Navona
    2 Dahlia Vuurvogal

    Total price of the bulbs was £2.49 and when I came home I immediately started work on making a bed at the front of the house where the lawn meets the path. Now I know nothing about planting bulbs but through learning how to grow veg over the last 6 months I’ve picked up the odd piece here and there (but im under no illusions that I’m an expert yet).

    Dahlia’s, am I right that I can plant the two bulbs in pots first, then when the first shoot comes up, cut it off with some of the tuber and replant that in to another pot along the sides whilst leaving the original tuber to grow another shoot? Thus doing so will give me little plug plants to plant out in June?

    The 98 other bulbs were not looking all that great. The £2.49 price was a 2nd reduction so god knows how long they had been on the shelf for. Because of this, I soaked them all over night in luke warm water to give them a kick start in germinating. Was this ok to do? They will be planting out today once I get the ok from you guys on my second question :)

    My bed for these bulbs is 7.3m (24ft) on the length, and 0.8m (2.6ft) deep. Will this be sufficient space for all the bulbs and their future growth? If not, I will be digging out a circle in the middle of the lawn as from fence to house its 4.1m (13ft) deep and needs filling out as its very bland. If I need the circle for some of the bulbs, what size should I am to dig out?

    Finally, spacing’s, each bulb should be spaced accordingly but can some of the other bulbs go in between that space or will all of these plants compete with each other and so full spacing’s should be adhered too?

    Sorry for the long post and questions but I want to get this right now as I’m really excited about what may come from it.
  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] Chef.. I should think you will have room for them all in there. I don't think soaking them will have done any harm either.. This would be my plan anyway... :WINK1: :D
    Brodiaea Queen Fabiola are quite small delicate flowers.. I would plant them in a few clumps near the front edge of you border.. about 5cm apart..

    Anenomes I would do the same with..

    Gladioli Victore Borge these can be anywhere between 24-48" high so need to be at the back& sheltered or they may need some support..

    Asiatic Lily Navona will grow to about 36" I would plant the 3 together & put a little dry sand in the hole forst if you can.. These need to be sheltered from the wind or staked later..

    Dahlia Vuurvogal I would prepare a suitable hole in the border put some compost in first. Plant the tubers carefully into the hole spaced about 12" from each other, cover them with about 2-3" of soil. Press the soil gently and water immediately. Dahlias will bloom best in complete sunshine. I would just grow them this year it is getting latish now to plant, as you have to lift them at the end of the summer & store the tubers for next year frost free.. :WINK1:

    I hope that helps you chef.. :thumbsup: :D Let us know how it goes..

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