Thanks for looking into this thread. Please help me to identify these three plants: 1. upper left 2. lower left 3. right side
[size=small]Hello Sven. I believe I have all three of these myself.[/size] [size=small]I'm not 100% sure but the top left is possibly an Aeonium arboreum (are the leaves succulent?).[/size] [size=small]The bottom left is Kalanchoe blossfeldiana.[/size] [size=small]The bottom right is Kalanchoe thrysiflora 'Red Lips'.[/size]
I tend to agree with Victoria on bottom left and bottom right. Top left I think is a euphorbia, possibly milii.
Sven, I agree with Pete about top left. Euphorbia milii has very thorny stems.,_thorns.jpg&imgrefurl=,_thorns.jpg&usg=__lVGW9Z82U4MZNNmLz_8sxyqr6_s=&h=1920&w=2560&sz=1690&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=kvq8FSZXkweavM:&tbnh=119&tbnw=159&prev=/images%3Fq%3Deuphorbia%2Bmilii%2Bthorns%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26rls%3Dp,,r:18,s:0
Hi Sven, The Kalanchoe I think is "Leaf of Life".. a true Jamaican plant..... The other is one with fleshy leaves is of the Crassula family I think.... You will need to google but I think money plant.... There are hundreds of Creassulas so have a Google Crasselae family.. Hundreds of them... The last one I agree, is one of the many Caldiums.. Again hundreds of them so have a google again... Have fun.. Hope that helps... I have seen them all growing i gardens in Jamaica though.... :WINK1:
:WINK1: Well Sven you must at least ask a Jamaican lady what the local name is at least in future..!!!:WINK1:
Oh Sven...... What are we going to do with you...!!!!! I have leaf of life plants (Kalanchoe pinnata - Bryophyllium pinnatum) growing in my greenhouse here from a leaf I was given at Peter Tosh's Mausoleum quite a few years ago now... I also have Medina (Alysicarpus vaginalis) growing as well... :WINK1: Now I do know Jamaican men drink an infusion of both leaves sweetened for manliness... :WINK1: