5 year old tomato plant

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by izzyl75, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. izzyl75

    izzyl75 Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 19, 2011
    i have a Tumbler tomato plant which i bought five years ago.

    i was wondering does anyone know how long they live for because i have never had a tomato plant that has lasted so long (and still produces tomatoes)? it sits in my kitchen quite happily and just keeps producing, all year round!
    i have asked many people but nobody seems to know. :rolleyespink:
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hi izzlyl & welcome to Gardeners Corner.

    They will live for several years if disease doesn't get em. You are probably safe from blight indoors but green fly could transmit viruses.

    Make sure no one touches it if they roll their own fags, tobacco can contain tomato mozzaic virus.

    Great that you get year round tomatoes :dbgrtmb:

    Do you feed it regularly ?:)

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