We've just inherited about 1.5 litres of Polish Rectified Spirit ' Spirytus Rektyfikowany'. It's 96% alcohol (192% proof). We could I suppose, use it to light the BBQ, as a household cleaner or pour it into the petrol tank to make the car go faster. However I'd like to use it to make some kinds of fruit vodkas or similar as I've seen recipes for one and also heard tales from the Polish side of our family about making them. What I'd like to know is how I estimate the % alcohol in the finished product (I don't want to go blind or deaf or lose my few remaining brain cells just yet). And I'd also appreciate any suggestions regarding recipes.
You could make a variation of the vodkamellon, a popular treat at parties although more for the summer really. You take a water mellon, and using one of the apple core removers, you take a core sample. Save the skin. Stand the mellon hole side down over a large jug so that the juice drains out. Turn it hole side up, and fill with vodka. Put your skin lid back on and put the whole thing in the freezer for a few hours. Take it out of the freezer, by this time the flesh will have absorbed the spirit (which won't have froze), so top up and put it back in the freezer. Repeat this until no more spirit will fit, then just leave it in the freezer until you're ready to use it. A couple of hours before the party, get it out to defrost a bit. At the party, slice it up, for a refreshing yet potently alcoholic snack.
Blimey Dave, I wouldn't even pour that in the petrol tank, that would blow the engine up. [hr] http://www.jotterofarotter.com/2010/07/rotters-dangerous-drink-of-week.html Caution, link contains mild swearing.
Thanks Clueless - that sounds interesting though there's a vast difference between filling with vodka and the stuff we've got. It might work though as the amount of juice in a melon might reduce the alcohol % to something approaching safe levels and we both like melon flavoured cocktails in the summer. Yes Ziggy I've seen that video before and that's what worries me about the stuff!!! Reminds me of a story about a Church of Scotland minister preaching on the evils of drink. He stood in the pulpit and dropped a worm into a glass of whisky and the worm instantly went rigid and died. "And what does that tell you about whisky?" he bellowed. "If you don't want worms, drink whisky" came the reply.:D
When I used to make wine I had a recipe book, (long gone), which told you how much Polish sprirt to add to homemade wine in order to turn it into fortified wines, eg Port, Sherry, etc. Not much help I'm afraid Dave, but there are ways of doing it and the information is out there somewhere.
Wow Dave, quite an inheritance..:WINK1: :D This link might help you, just scroll down the page... Even Bacon flavoured too..!!!! Not sure how you work out the dilution rate though.. http://www.drinkfocus.com/articles/vodkas/infused-flavored-vodkas.php