Advice About Bare Root Roses

Discussion in 'Roses' started by Melinda, May 20, 2011.

  1. Melinda

    Melinda Gardener

    May 28, 2010
    Lahndan Tahn
    Silver jubilee

    I planted a couple of bare root roses last year including the Silver Jubilee above (stock photo). I assumed they would spend the year developing root systems and settling into their new homes.

    I expected to see some growth this year and perhaps a bloom or two.
    One has put out a new shoot and some new leaves, the other has no new growth at all- it is still green though.

    Also I succumbed again back in February and planted another bare root climber. The way it was stored in the shop would have stressed it. Its been treated royally since then, but all the straggly growth has since died back. Ive continued watering and feeding it on the of chance the roots are alive.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    Its been dry here, where you are too perhaps?

    Keep watering. Give them plenty at each watering session, but don't water too often. I would think twice a week was enough in dry weather. I would say they need a gallon each, at each watering. Give them 2 gallons if it won't all just run off.

    Water in the evening - if you want in the morning / during the day the Sun will evaporate some before it it can soak in

    If they came to you direct from being lifted I would have expected them to romp away. Those that were in a bag in the garden centre its hard to tell how long they were there. If they don't grow I would ask for your money back as clearly they had been out of the soil for too long

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