Advice for laying out my veggie planter

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by tanzc69, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. tanzc69

    tanzc69 Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 6, 2009
    I am having a 4.2m wooden planter built in my garden this week for my new project of growing my own vegetables which i am quite excited about. I have been doing my research about what to plant where, what goes well with what etc and have come up with the following notes. I would like some advice as to what i have put below is correct? would add any additonal comments? how much width you think each item would need so i dont overcrowd and also would you plant them in any particular order? - thanks guys!!

    Cabbage â?? I understand that is it good to plant strong smelling herbs around it to deter cabbage eating worms? â?? Such as sage, thyme, mint, garlic and that chamomile improves flavour?

    Carrots â?? go well with lettuce and onions but not with the caraway

    Garlic - to be planted with herbs to enhance flavour, chamomile also improves flavour

    Onions go well withlettuce, broccoli, cabbage, cucumber

    Broccoli goes well withgarlic, lettuce, onion but not with lettuce

    Caraway - I have read a few times isadvised to plant this to loosen soil â?? and to plant throughout garden but away from carrots?

    Lettuce goes well withcarrot, onion but not with broccoli

    Cucumber goes well withbroccoli, cabbage, carrot, lettuce, onion but keep away from the aromatic herbs

    Shallots go well withmarjoram

    I have also read that marigolds are ideal companions through out the garden, as they're reputed to attract hoverflies, which prey on aphids, as well as reduce the number of nematodes in the soil?

  2. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    I have a couple of thoughts:

    If you are new to growing veg then grow what you like to eat most. However, you need to have a bit of a plan otherwise you will fill the plot with the first thing you sow!

    In terms of what-grows-with-what: You should try not to grow vegetables from the same "rotation group" in the same place each year. The groups are, roughly, Peas/Beans, Spuds/Tomaoes/ Roots (Carrot, Parsnip etc), Cabbage/Sprouts, Onions/Leeks. This is to avoid the diseases from each of those groups getting a hold by having the same plants to "infest" year after year.

    Also check out "Companion planting" in Google. Lots of thoughts on planting this-with-that to fend off bugs etc. The only thing I both with is Marigolds to keep the whitefly away from my greenhouse Tomaots.

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