Advice needed on final positioning

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by GYO newbie, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. GYO newbie

    GYO newbie Gardener

    Mar 15, 2015
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    Ok - remember I am new!!!

    I have a SSE facing rear garden.

    I have allocated the patio and right-hand strip to fruit and veg growing.

    All growing I in containers, raised beds, sacks and grow bags.

    I have a short clear plastic grow home and two green plastic grow homes and a netted fruit cage. See pics.

    I am growing toms, cucs, butternut squash, peppers, chillis, potatoes, carrots, beets, mangetout, beans, peas, radish, sprouts, sweet corn, strawberries, raspberries, melon, broc, onions, courgettes. These are all at various stages.

    So my question is where should they positioned. Live in the north east of England.

    I have been experimenting a bit and have planted the same crop in a tub, growbag, outside and in a growhome with some varieties.

    Came home last night to a very sad, droopy looking broc which had been in the clear grown home all day. Quick drink perked him up.

    What would do better in a grow home? What should be inside on a windowsil? Melons are still inside by the way as are some chilli's.

    So please advice, with what I have, what should go where.

    Thank you.

    Attached Files:

  2. Fern4

    Fern4 Total Gardener

    Jan 30, 2013
    The gardener of the house!
    I think your brocc might be better grown outside and not under cover. We've had warmer temps lately so it might have drooped because it's getting too hot in the grow home. I noticed from your pics that your green blowaway is zipped up. If there's anything growing in there, it would be a good idea to keep your eye on the temps in there too. Mine gets really hot in there so has to be kept open all day. I'm sure more experienced veg growers will be along though to give you some more info. :)
  3. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Toms, Cucs, melons and Squash can grow in the blow-away. The rest must be outside. As Fern says the blow-away must be kept open during the day at this time of year, temps soar in 5 minutes of the sun coming out. Have you got a max/min thermometer to check?
  4. GYO newbie

    GYO newbie Gardener

    Mar 15, 2015
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    Ok - would butternut squash prefer to be in the plastic grow home?

    I ordered a min - max temp gauge which arrived on Wednesday - havent done anything with it yet. STUPID QUESTION - but what am i looking/tracking for?

    The doors have been closed as we have had some really high winds. In fact I had to bungee rope the bigger of the two to the fence and still things blew over - lost my white cucumber seedlings and baby aubergine seedlings - I guess its too late to start again?

    One cucumber I planted outside has had it - practically dead. The other looks ok - but will dig up and re-position indoors on your advice. The cherry toms are are gardeners delight which I believe can go outside. I have planted that many that some will have to stay out. Those that are out seem to be ok though. OK - green and lush looking, no flowers or anything yet?

    Just need some of the potatoes to flower and I can dig them up and create more space - 8 sacks and they are taking up the majority of the patio.

    Thank you. I know I ask a lot of questions, but I do retain and act of everything I get told.

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