Advice with French Beans and Courgettes? some blackfly issues too.

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Cleo, Jun 28, 2010.

  1. Cleo

    Cleo Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 28, 2010
    I have just started gardening for the first time and am currently growing Basil, Courgettes, Royal Chantenay Red Carrots, French Beans and mixed leaves salad.
    My salad, red carrots and basil are growing perfectly and the salad is ready to eat and tastes delicious.

    I just have a few questions regarding my courgettes and french beans...
    I have 7 french bean plants growing up againt 6ft bamboo structures, they are almost 6ft high now but seem to keep on steadily growing, what should I do when they reach the top of the bamboo? Do i leave them? Or cut them?
    Also are there any tips to keep them healthy, they are just starting to grow tiny flowers, and they all seem very healthy and growing well, I have also just now noticed that on some of the plants there are I think what is called Black Fly on the underside of some of the leaves? What shall I do? I really want to keep my plants organic?

    I also have 3 Black Beauty Courgette plants growing in my garden, one of which has grown extremely big and fast and looks very healthy and thriving in the glorious sun London currently has. The other two are a little smaller but still look fine. I have again just noticed that there are tiny black insects (I guess black fly again) living inside one of the buds that are growing. I have also noticed that there are always a few ants investigating the plants, and the buds in particular. I know that ants can be good farmers and can be left when on veg, but I am worried about the black fly... how can I naturally get rid of them? Again are there any tips anyone can give with growing courgettes?
    Any help would be much appreciated.
  2. Alice

    Alice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2006
    Welcome to the forum Cleo.
    You'll get better answers if you ask all your questions in separate posts - just a tip.
    When your beans get to the top of their supports just cut their heads off - you can't reach higher than that to pick the beans. Pick the beans regularly - could be every day - to keep them coming.
    As for the black fly, if you see heavy infestations in some places, cut that part of the plant off and burn it - or whatever.
    Or try spraying it off with a heavy jet of water.
    Beyond that you're down to spraying. You can buy organic sprays which are mostly soap based or you can try your own mixture of washing up liquid and water.
    If there are only a few flies I wouldn't worry about them at all. Blackfly tends to be big colonies.
    Hope it all goes great for you.

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