Albert Kahn

Discussion in 'Photography Talk' started by Hyla arborea, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. Hyla arborea

    Hyla arborea Gardener

    Feb 9, 2007
    Just wondered if anyone else saw the programme on BBC4 last night about Albert Kahn - early 20th century colour photos? It was the first of five programmes, and many of the pictures - and the movie footage - were amazing. The pictures from the Claddagh in south-west Ireland in 1913 were an incredible social document.

    A few too many "talking heads" for my liking, discussing the uniqueness and value of the images, but maybe future programmes will not need to comment so much on the importance of the archive.

    For me, as a life-long photographer and an ex-pro, the series is unmissable!! How did anyone else feel?

    (The series is called "The Edwardians in Colour" - BBC4, Thursdays, 9.00p.m.)
  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] I have to agree HA.. I was captivated by it all.... I really didn't realise there was so much early colour footage.. The peice on the Claddagh,was a real eye-opener, I agree.. Seeing them fishing & the women selling the fish in the town.. You could see that they were in decline then. To have the chap whose grandmother it was dressed in the red cloak, was a real benefit I thought.. Did agree about most of the other "talking heads" though.. ;)
    [​IMG] It was a superb program & I am definitely looking forward to the rest of the series.. You could actually relate to what you were seeing as well.. Much more so than the old black & white speedy cine film that we usually see or the old sepia photos too.. Looking forward to the next one... [​IMG]

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