Hi I have taken everything out of the greenhouse and scrubbed out the greenhouse with Jeyes, is it OK to put all the items straight back in or do they all need soaking as well I have things like tins and baskets with labels and tools in like secateurs, sieves, pencils and pens, bags of compost seed and general and other things like that. I have left them all out for tonight in the hope that any frost will kill of anything living on them. Sorry I forgot the greenhouse has a concrete floor and I normally grow in cleaned fish boxes and I have some lettuces in one, can that go back in or should I spray the outside of that with Jeyes? Thanks Dave
You'll get mixed advice on this one! Some say to scrub everything inside and out with jeyes before rinsing, drying and re-using; others such as myself rarely if ever bother and have had no problems thus far (famous last words?!). I have for the first time just washed down the inside of the glass with jeyes and now can't bring myself to go back in the greenhouse as it smells so awful! The cleaning was more to do with clean glass than killing off lingering pests. If you had problems with pests last year, clean it all out; if you didn;'t I wouldn't concern yourself overly.
Loofah's right, you will get mixed advice on this!! I spray the inside and outside of my Greenhouse with Jeyes fluid, then leave for a couple of hours and spray again with clean water to wash it out. I got a paving floor and the Jeys and the water drains out between the gaps. I leave the door and ventilators open to help dry it out but it stills smells of Jeyes for days. Does your concrete floor have drainage??, if so next time I would wash off the Jeyes as I do and that will reduce the pong! It's too late to do it now as it was some days ago when you did it. Loofah's point about whether or not you should do a disinfection of the Greenhouse every year is a matter of personal choice. If you feel happier to do it every year then do so!! I must admit that I clean out my Greenhouse every year with Jeyes and it make me feel more confident that I've done something towards getting rid of any diseases possibly lying around in it. It's all about choice!!