An Embarrassing Moment.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by music, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. music

    music Memories Are Made Of This.

    Jun 14, 2009
    A Little Bit Of This And A Little Bit Of That.
    I was out for a run on the bicycle yesterday,I had been out for about an hour on the country lanes and tracks, and on the way home I decided to cycle through the park and cut over the bridge that runs over a burn in the park .
    I stopped at the bridge for a look into the flowing waters when I heard a child's voice calling
    'Pa Pa, Pa Pa'., as another gentleman was standing at the other side of the bridge I thought a child was calling on him so I ignored the voice.
    A minute passed when I heard numerous voices calling loudly, Pa Pa, Pa Pa, Pa Pa.
    I looked up and recognised one of the group of five girls on scooters was my Granddaughter.

    Picture the scene: Five screaming girls @12 yrs old on scooters ,scootering down the path in an open park, with people having picnics on the grass and all these girls shouting Pa Pa,and coming to me ,the people were all looking at me, I was totally embarrassed.

    To cap it all a lady walking over the bridge looked at me, gave me a big smile, and without thinking I blurted out to her, " They Are Not All MINE. :sofa:.
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