Animals on allotments

Discussion in 'Allotments Discussion' started by timecharger, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. timecharger

    timecharger Gardener

    Mar 28, 2006
    Hi all

    On our allotment (Barnet, London), we're not allowed to keep animals (except bees).

    Are any of you permitted to keep animals on yours? Is this an official thing, or just people turning a blind eye?

  2. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi Alexei there are two allotment sites in our village (we're lucky) one allows lifestock and the other doesn't guess which one we are on? the one without bum!

    Like your site there is a guy who keeps bees on his plot really close to ours although he has a planting section I think this is just a farce as he clearly doesn't 'work' his plot as he should do but he's always down drawning honey from his hives so he's clearly making a fortune from them.

    They used to allow one guy (who lives next door to the plots) to graze his horses on the spare lots in return for the horse poop from his stables this has now stopped although the other day our new plot had one of his poorly horses on it but we didn't mind as we have not started work on that plot yet.

    I know where you are coming from regarding the keeping of animals because we have raised the same topic with the club how come one can have bees on but us others are not allowed chickens etc.. after all they are all animals and we all pay the same
  3. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    Gosh Helen, I will run a mile if someone kept bees on our allotment. I am having a job to keep up with my Asthma. I dont mind chickens. We are not allowed to keep livestock on the allotments. Helen you are the lucky ones.

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