Anna Pavord: 'Martagon is an adaptable, shade-loving and rather beautiful early bloomer'

Discussion in 'Gardening News RSS Feeds' started by - Gardening RSS Feed, Aug 22, 2015.

  1. - Gardening RSS Feed

    - Gardening RSS Feed Guest

    When should you plant lilies? In the autumn, at the same time as the daffodils and tulips? Or in the spring, with dahlias and nerines? The irritating answer is: "It depends which lilies." If you like martagons, which are relatively early into flower, then you need to plant in September or October. And that means ordering now. The first martagons I ever saw grew in a bramble patch in our old house. The place had been abandoned for more than 25 years and, by the time we arrived, few garden plants survived except for a deep pink moss rose, pinned against a wall by the arms of an ash seedling. And these wonderful pink lilies, pushing up through the dross and chaos around them. Courage. Promise. Optimism. They were a potent symbol of all the things we needed then, having landed ourselves in a rectory with no roof and with a new baby on the way.





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