another part of the garden

Discussion in 'Members Gallery' started by weekend gardener, Nov 30, 2006.

  1. weekend gardener

    weekend gardener Gardener

    Oct 29, 2006

    This view is of sam the scarecrow again,we have laid different surfaces in the garden. At the right hand side of the path, i have laid slate in a pattern. Near this is a dish for the birds and a mirror is placed behind it.

    The gates were from wilkinsons, it's just two arches of trellis really.
    The bamboo wall has since been taken down because we live on the top of a hill and the wind kept blowing it down. We have some of those concrete blocks there, the kind with holes in which was left by the other owner, never liked the ugly things so I decided to bend the bamboo over them and now it looks much better.

    As I said before the paint on the house has been repainted thank goodness, it was looking so shabby but we had so many jobs to do there wasn't the time to do that as well.

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