Another potato question

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Moopants, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. Moopants

    Moopants Gardener

    May 16, 2011
    West of Scotland
    I'm sorry for always asking questions and never answering any (yet)

    My area (West of Scotland) is confirmed as fulfilling full smith criteria so I panic and go check my spuds.

    One plant was rotten to the core. I dont think it was anything to do with blight (or at least I'm hoping) as it didnt produce any potatoes and as the rest around it were flowering and produced some rather large ones, I assumed it was just a bad plant - as a side note also quite a disappointing yield.

    It was soggy right down the middle to the bottom of the bag and had gone brown. I tried to cut off the top straight away incase it was blight but the sheers wouldnt go through the stalk.

    Now I'm obviously worried about the smith criteria and blight threat (I had applied bordeaux mix a few weeks back but im not sure if that lasts this long) but I'm just curious to know if the potatoes I dug up today, that look fine, will be ok if this rotten plant was sick.

    Does anyone know of other potato illnesses that could make an entire plant rot like that?

    Also will the compost be rendered useless if it turns out to be blight or is it usable with other veg? Would putting it back in the compost bin be a bad idea?

    Of course I cant burn the rotten plant as its peeing down again...
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    I sometimes lose one plant amongst a row, it's difficult to know why, slugs or ants could have eaten it. I've also had foxes bury dead things in my veg patch taking out one or two potato plants - but that was pretty obvious.

    The seed tiuber may well have been carrying a disease, I wouldn't worry if it's not spreading.

    Bordeaux mixture needs applying every couple of weeks, depending on weather conditions (i.e. lots of rain washes it away). In your case I'd spray again now.

    If you have got blight then your compost is useless and needs to be binned, not re-used or put into the compost heap.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Moopants

      Moopants Gardener

      May 16, 2011
      West of Scotland
      Thank you!

      I dont think its blight as today there doesnt appear to be any damage to the neighbouring plants.

      I was reading about blackleg (Potato blackleg / Royal Horticultural Society) and wondered if perhaps this was what it was. The description is similar and after posting I found a couple of potatoes rotten inside with a thick brown skin. I know its quite common in seed potatoes.

      The only thing I cant find out is, if it is blackleg, then does that also mean the soil cannot be reused or can it be reused on a different family of plants?
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Hi Moopants,

      I wouldn't grow any solenacea family there for a few years. Its not good practice to grow the same things in the same bed as it builds up diseases in the soil.

      Have a look at this:dbgrtmb:

      Crop rotation / Royal Horticultural Society
      • Like Like x 1
      • Moopants

        Moopants Gardener

        May 16, 2011
        West of Scotland
        Thank you! So far we're still in pots, bags and tubs.

        I'm aware of rotation and dont use the same compost for the same family but was worried that if it was blackleg it may cross the boundaries of other veg.

        One day I'll have the time to get a plot ready. Maybe when the child has left home.
        • Like Like x 1
        • Jack McHammocklashing

          Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

          May 29, 2011
          Ex Civil Serpent
          Fife Scotland
          "One day I'll have the time to get a plot ready. Maybe when the child has left home"

          So only another 64 years to go then :-)

          Jack McH
          • Like Like x 1
          • Moopants

            Moopants Gardener

            May 16, 2011
            West of Scotland
            I may have to do what my mother did with her youngest, and leave her in the home and move elsewhere! I'm assuming 2 is too young to leave home
            • Like Like x 1

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