Another Rose Question

Discussion in 'Roses' started by The Skiver, May 16, 2005.

  1. The Skiver

    The Skiver Gardener

    Apr 15, 2005
    In a fit of horticultural cackhandidness I somehow omitted to cut back two of my rose bushes last autumn. They have now grown rather long and straggly.

    If I cut them back now, will there be enough new growth for them to bloom later this year, or should I just wait until the nights draw in and try not to miss them this time around?
  2. Fran

    Fran Gardener

    Mar 23, 2005
    Its a tad on the late side for those that need spring pruning - but if you prune now, they should still flower this season, although perhaps a lot later, if they are the variety that should have been pruned in the autumn, the ramblers, you could have a problem.

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