Another seed potato question

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by painted lady, Mar 15, 2008.

  1. painted lady

    painted lady Gardener

    Aug 27, 2006
    Could I ask another question in regard to seed potatoes please? I have never grown potatoes before either.

    I got some seed potatoes and them in trays in my glass lean to at the back of the house, where I keep the washing machine and dryer. Ooops. I now realise it was probably not a good idea.

    I do have about 1/8 inch of shoot coming out of the spuds but I noticed they seem to have water marks on them as if they have been damp.
    I moved them into the kitchen but I have no idea if I should now chuck them away or not. If they have been damp will they still grow. I know green potatoes are poisonous and I cut one in half and the outer skin looked a bit green. Do they all go like this? Also they seem a bit spongy when I squeeze them but thats how supermarket potatoes feel after a week so I'm stuck again ha ha.
    Thank you for any help.
  2. vegmandan

    vegmandan Gardener

    Feb 2, 2008
    The fact that they are green is normal,a bit of dampness is no problem either as long as they've not gone mouldy.
    My seed potatoes also always go slightly soft and wrinkled on the skins and this too has never been a problem either,If you have any that are really really soft all the way through I might consider chucking those ones.

    I've just planted some of mine in my polytunnel and I've shown a photo on my website of the spuds before they went in .

    If they look anything like them then you'll be ok,even if the shoots are smaller,it's no problem.

    Seed potato pictures
  3. painted lady

    painted lady Gardener

    Aug 27, 2006
    Thank you for replying.

    I might give the better ones a go then. I bought loads too many as I didn't realise how small they actually were. I sent for 3kg as when I bought 3kg of jacket spuds from the grocers you only get 5 ha ha. Nearly fell off my chair when I opened the box and there were about 40. Now I have to dig up more turf lol.

    Thanks again

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