No idea Val but sending a for whoever has need of them. I think different ones are prescribed depending on the "type" of depression e.g. reactive vs. clinical depression and the degree. So, do expect a variety of answers and not necessarily a distinction between the two types of depression.
It's very much a case that what suits one person won't necessarily suit another. The first one they had me on was Seroxat - made me massively worse to the point of being suicidal. Next one, bit better than the first but still not great and with the added issue of electric shock sensations. Finally, I was put on Prozac which had a profound positive effect, to the point that I was taking nothing at all 8 months later Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Antidepressants, When I feel absolutely fed up I get up very early like when you don't sleep to well, make a cuppa then sit in the garden about 5am just me and the birds has a very calming effect.
I was prescribed seroxat about 12 years ago due to work related stress and associated depression. I'd no unpleasant side effects and came off the drug quite easily. It certainly worked for me as when I cracked up I was a wreck ( it was a very sudden episode) but after a few days popping the pills I felt fine. In fact when we went off on holiday about three weeks after starting with the pills we had a massive flight delay and it didn't bother me one bit. After a couple of months I started reducing the dosage and returned to work 'cured' and with more realistic expectations of what I should expect of myself and the realisation that saying 'no' to some demands from HQ was not a weakness. Seroxat CAN in SOME people have nasty side effects, but for me it worked a treat.
I was taking citropham for about 2 weeks to combat my anxiety issues. Didn't like the effects it had on me. Didn't feel like myself at all. Felt like a Zombie, I would lie on the sofa all day long and have no motivation to do anything, even eat. I was waking up in the middle of the night with massive panic attacks for no reason. In the end it made me throw up a few times and then decided that these were not for me. I will never take anti depressants again. Depression is something that the sufferer has to fight every day and I know it's hard. You have to remember that you are in control of it and not the other way round. One thing I am grateful for it that the pills made me lose control of every part of my mind and myself and once I came off them I realised I had more control over my thought processes than I initially thought before taking them. Even though I am still battling it I know I am a stronger person because I have not chosen the quick fix route like many others have. On the other hand my mum takes antidepressants and she has been taking them for decades. Because of this she is on a really high dose as the effects wear off and they have determined that she has been on them too long to be weened off them. They have completely screwed her up and I feel like I'm talking to someone who is not "really there". Like a massive wall or fog between my the front and who my Mum really is. She's always happy, even when shes in tears. It's severally damaged my relationship with my mum as a result. So my point is that they imo mask a persons true self, even if they are damaged deep down, it should be imbraced and not suppressed. @val there is no quick fix for depression it's something that you have to fight every single day. Doctors dish out these pills willy nilly when I don't believe it is the true answer. You need to look at the other aspects of your life and what is causing the depression. It could be anything from your diet, lifestyle to relationship problems or past experiences that are still affecting you. You need to release yourself from them and not suppress them with medication. If you can go and see a councillor. I was in counseling for nearly 3 years and it really did help (although I did have a relapse soon after leaving as I realised there were things I didn't discuss that I really should have). If you need any help/advice or just someone to talk to feel free to PM me anytime
I've taken antidepressants in the past. I agree with how zombie-fied they made me & now I won't take them again, if the situation arose. I found going to talk with someone helped so much more, it made me able to take a metaphorical step back and look at myself from a third party point of view, see what was influencing how I was feeling etc. Knowing what factors were affecting me was the next step to overcoming them. It wasn't easy & took a while, but I'm now in the fortunate position to be able to look back & know that, for the most part, I seem to have beaten my demons. I have a lot of empathy for those who suffer from depression. There's no right or wrong method of dealing with it, different things work for different people. It's tough but you can get to the other side.
I took Sertaline for a while. Not for depression, but for OCD. I didn't find it helped at all. I hadn't realised how much brain fog it had given me until I stopped taking them. I suddenly felt so alert again, and that I had my true life back.
Hi @Yvonne Donnellon Can't do that i'm afraid, that one is already taken. Pm me when you next log on and we'll sort out a change
Never heard of Antidepressants, I always known them has happy pills, never took any but i know a few people that are on Pozac and they are as high as a kite and they can't get off them, when they are happy there ok then when the drug wear's off they are as grumpy has hell