Knitting is one of the greatest passions of my life, and the desire for it is just getting stronger as the winter is at the horizon (well, ok, it is quite away yet). When September approaches I suddently get this urge to relax in my spare moments with my needles in my hands, speed of 1 stich a second max, and materialize something that perhaps will turn into garment, perhaps just an exercise, but it makes me feel calm and complete. I can honestly say that if I don't have an ongoing project to do with knitting or sewing I feel like something is missing. And I don't even think that I am awesome at it, I think I am getting by allright, but the main thing is that I like it so much. Anybody else feels that way?
The last knitting I did Miraflores was for my grandson as a baby, he is now five. The youngsters now don't won't the home knits anymore, mind you if they had designer labels on them it would probably be a different story! It's quite therapeutic though, where as I find sewing more of a chore. The last sewing I did was lined curtains. I can also make bobbin lace but haven't had the motivation for that for a while, possibly because I'm up to my eyes in DIY at the moment. Enjoy your knitting!
I cannot knit for toffee ..... have tried many times as my elders believed when I was young, it was one of those things every woman should be able to do!! I tried and tried, especially whilst pregnant but couldn't even manage a straight scarf let alone a baby bootee!! Knit one, drop one was me! However, if you fancy knitting me a beautiful designer-ish jumper or cardie, it may inspire me to try again :WINK1: PS I only got my CSE in needlework also because my mother unpicked and resewed the skirt I had to make every time I brought it home
I Can knit but went off it a while back, cross stitch & tapestry used to do when younger due to a very talented mother. I'm now quite into beading & card craft's but prefer the gardening more. I guess That might change when winter gets here Lol. Like this thread lovi, nice to see what else others are interested in
I bought nice yarn on Thur to start knitting a chunky cardigan its come up quick now on 2nd sleeve a week to start and finish that not bad as I lost part of my little finger when i was 8 and never learded to knit or wanted to. I now crochet and knit there are alot of nice yarns out now. I make slouch and beanie berets for the winter and leg warmers and wrist warmers.
I love to knit during the winter in the evenings.. I will knot anything really but often gloves, hats & scarves etc these days it seems but have a cardigan to start soon.. i do quite allot of sewing too, but in the summer I love my garden & drawing & painting...
How would I know that you are selling anything if I enter your site by chance? Is there a special page for them that I have missed ...?
SWMBO Knits Arran, about one Arran a month, which she gives to friends and neighbours She will not do any above Large, as too heavy to hold Jack McH
I am another keen knitter At the moment I am knitting pretty slippers and have started a chunky cardi/jacket and have just brought some wool to make small white blankets for charity [hospital baby memory boxes] and I want to try a bag. I have some round bamboo handles waiting Will pop a photo on later.
Thanks to my Gran (since my Mother didn't know one end of any type of needle from the other!), I learnt to knit, sew, crochet et al during school summer holidays. All these skills came in very handy when our 3 daughters came along and for years I knitted seemingly endless school jumpers in various shades of blue, turquoise, red oh yes, and brown (yeuk) - in fact, I'd congratulate myself on how thrifty I'd been until when asked what she'd like for her birthday one year, the middle one said 'Mummy, can I have a proper school jumper, you know, a bought, one like everyone else' :OUCH: These days I confine myself to what I call 'totally pointless' knitting - following a discussion about loo-roll covers, I made this same daughter this ... and gave it to her last Christmas - yes, it's an Oast House loo roll cover!!!
Knitting never grows fast enough for me and I dread the finishing and sewing up. I might try a scarf this winter, though. No complicated shaping and I can keep going until I've got exactly the length I want.
Try chuncky yarn and large needles Claralou that will knit quick I started my cardigan a week ago and ready to stitch sleeves in now.