Any suggestions to fill this space?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by dprovan, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. dprovan

    dprovan Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 5, 2010

    as you will see from the photo our back garden is overlooked by a number of houses. I have planted a bamboo plant and moved a tree from our front garden (not sure what it is) to this area. I now think I should plant another relatively small tree in the middle of the two to add to the screening..... We also live on the edge of the countryside so we have lots and lots of birds that use the garden and are in the trees and i loive watching them from the kitchen so I am hoping another tree will attract even more.... So I am looking for a tree that wont go too big but needs to go about 15-20 feet, I guess Id like folage mainly in the summer when we would want most of the screening. Can anyone offer any suggestions

    View attachment 1739
  2. Alice

    Alice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2006
    Hello DProvan.
    Cotoneasters don't get too big and would give you white flowers in spring and red berries the birds would love in Autumn.
    Prunus Amanagawa grows tall but doesn't get too wide and gives pnk, beautifully perfumes flowers in spring.
    Some other flowering cherries don't get too big and you could google for them.
    Some crab apple trees don't get too big and would give you good spring flowers and apples for the birds.
    I'm sure you'll get other suggestions.
  3. Lovage

    Lovage Gardener

    Jun 28, 2009
    I agree crab apples would be a good choice - John Downie or Van Eseltine don't grow too big
    There are some interesting Sorbus varieties, relatives of mountain ash which also have fruit for the birds
    Unfortunately you have missed the season for bare root trees and will have buy container grown at higher prices and more limited slections
    Just thought - if you planted in the middle of the garden instead of the boundary it would not need to be as tall to provide the same screening

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