Anyone deliver leaflets ?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Phil A, Jun 21, 2011.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hi Guys,

    Need some fill in dosh between contracts, was wondering if anyone does this?

    Not expecting much money for it but its better to be earning something.

    I've been looking but there are not many jobs you can do temporarily.

    Always open to any other suggestions too:dbgrtmb:
  2. greencuisinequeen

    greencuisinequeen Gardener

    Mar 23, 2011
  3. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hi GCQ,

    Great Minds.... Thats one of the sites i'd been reading:dbgrtmb:

    Just thought i'd ask about before filling the form in, see if anyone else has got pros & cons about it.

    Oo, thats a thought, i'll nip over to Martin Lewis's money site & have a look:runhills:
  4. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    Where exactly are you located?

    What about checking at the Directgov jobs and skills search - Job Homepage ?

    There can be new entries at any time...

    PS I could also check for you if I knew more about your capabilities and fields of interest (feedback from clients would also be useful).
  5. Fidgetsmum

    Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

    Jul 25, 2009
    Deepest, darkest Kent
    Not sure if this is a viable idea, but delivering something like Yellow Pages or Thompson Local perhaps?

    Just a couple of other 'first thoughts' - Betterware and/or Kleenezealways seem to be in need of (what they euphemistically call) 'distributors' and - in my area at least - there's a thriving dog walking industry.
  6. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    Yellow pages come out much earlier than now for the year
  7. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Today I am mostly located in Hambridge.

    Yesterday I was located in West Bay:D

    Cheers for that link Mira, i'll keep an eye on that.

    Really looking for something that'll fit round my main work, where i'm not expected to be somewhere at a given time. Need to be free to look at and price for work. Thats why I was thinking about leafleting.

    STOP PRESS : Just had Blight Alert Text Message for DT4 Post code, that'll be West Bay then.
  8. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    My mate did the thompsons local delivery earlier this year, he thought it was a good deal until he saw how much space they took up.

    Allergic to dogs Figetsmum:cry3:
  9. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Well, i've applied to mailbox on line, lets see what happens next.

    Cheers for all your help everyone:dbgrtmb::)
  10. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :WINK1: Zig if you are going door to door for goodness sakes wear the most comfortable boots you have with ankle support & thick socks, no matter what the weather, as otherwise your ankles will cripple you at the end of the day.. :thumbsup: Talking from experience here.... :cry3:
    Have you looked here, lots of ideas..
  11. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Cheers Marley,

    Yes I had looked at that one.

    I'm used to walking, do miles on the plot & then still walk to the beach and back. But you're right, i'll wear my boot socks.

    If I do it, might as well run a load of my own brochures off & deliver them too.:thumbsup:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Marley Farley

      Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

      May 11, 2005
      Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
      Under the Edge Zone 8b
      :WINK1: I walk allot as well, always have done & rode motorcycles.. It isn't the distance it is the differing surfaces, backwards & forwards to letter boxes, you are turning tight corners all the time, oh & up & down steps too, so you ankles & heels take an extra pounding than they are used too in normal life.. :help:

      :yess: Definitely include your own leaflets... :hapfeet: :hapfeet:
      • Like Like x 1
      • Jack McHammocklashing

        Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

        May 29, 2011
        Ex Civil Serpent
        Fife Scotland
        I hope you find a good one, but at a penny a leaflet, that is 100 house letterboxes for a quid

        The phonebooks Thomsons directory etc are not much better, storage problems and a hell of a lot of fuel unless you live in a built up area with access to loads of houses in each street, or a wheel barrow
        Temping in a call centre with scripts £7ph, ie you do not need the knowledge just read it off the screen as you go, usually evening work though
        Q My internet is not working
        A Switch your machine off, wait two minutes then on again
        Has that worked

        A Right click on x what does that show
        ERR b
        Right click on Y
        etc etc
        Casual Gardening work
        ADVERT in local paper brings in lots of hard work then brilliant returns
        From older retired people with larger gardens would be the best way to go

        My Aunt spinster 78 can no longer keep up to the five tier 100 yrd long garden
        Got a casual man who can (I can not, I do not have the knowledge or the stamina)
        £30 for two hours a week and now does the odd jobs around the house as required for a tenner a go Light bulb gone in the bathroom 12' high ceilings no problem a tenner Tap constantly dripping no problem a tenner
        All cash in hand and although she is not rich she just pre sells some of the property, was worth about £600k, now someone else owns £50k of that when she goes
        The whole area is like that
        For all I know the remainder is left to some catxxxxxx preferably dogs home :-)

        So long as you are honest and turn up for two hours when you can a week and do not rip off (the old ones are wise not foolish) word and work gets around

        Gary now has 15 houses x £30 a week cash plus odd jobs, has a van and mostly unwanted petrol ride on mowers, tools of the best that hubbys used to own
        along with extras for the widows/spinsters odd jobs NOT at trade prices
        As long as the job is done no one objects to him turning up at 20:00 to cut the lawn and do a few bits around the garden
        Possability ?

        Jack McHammocklashing
      • Sheal

        Sheal Total Gardener

        Feb 2, 2011
        Dingwall, Ross-shire
        Ziggy, what about gardening for other people. There's always somebody wanting a lawn mowed, garden weeded etc. Hedge cutting brings in good cash too. To advertise, you could put home-made notes through letter boxes. :thumbsup:
        • Like Like x 1
        • Madahhlia

          Madahhlia Total Gardener

          Mar 19, 2007
          Suburban paradise
          I did leaflet delivering many years ago when I was a teenager. Not all that much fun, and time-consuming, unless you bin a few at the end of each row, which I am sure you are far too honest and conscientious to do. I was working for my mate's dad, so I didn't.

          People tell me that it is easy to build up a regular clientele as a gardener, by word-of-mouth. I'm thinking of putting a card in the local newsagent. Still hard work, though. Isn't everything that brings you money?

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