These have got to be one of my favorite flowers - especially at this time of year. If they were scented, they would come pretty close to the top of my list. My Auntie Liz gave me seed 6 or 7 years ago now, and they self sow everywhere. The surprise of a different colour/style is a thrill! Here are a few pics of some of my favorites: Have tons more to add - but probs bulk loading with Photobucket tonight, so will have to be another time. Please feel free to add any of your own pics! P.S. Paladin - was it you who I sent seeds from my gorgeous double whitish aqualeiga last year??? If so - what came up???
Absolutely stunning close-ups JarBax! I couldn't agree more, definately one of mine & Mr Mac's favourite also. Bring on the photo's!:thumb:
Yes it was JarBax...I have tried to take a pic but the light's going and out of 12 attempts ....:( I spotted the tight buds first a couple of nights ago and realised how different it was from those around it. It now has one open flower and it is almost pure white.:thumb:
I am definitely up for more aquilegias for myself. I have a number in my garden, but some of them have self-seeded themselves into very substandard specimens. These I will uproot and replace with splendid replacements that I plan to purchase at the Kent garden show next weekend. Looking forward to it.
Great pictures guys sadly I haven't any in my garden and I must confess in my old garden I couldn't grow them for toffee although my s-i-l could maybe I'll collect some seeds off her this year. Bob no gardener should have clean fingers well not through the growing season anyway in fact winter is the only time I allow my beautiful nails to grow!
Lovely pictures :thumb: We have hundreds (thousands?) in our garden because we usually let them seed themselves and don't dig them out unless we need the space for something else. I haven't taken any long shots of them this year, yet, so here are a couple I made previously :D :D Our front verge Our vegetable area. I've just cropped it as I can't show the celebrity in the photo - no publicity! . (Mysterious isn't it? :D) We have aquilegia all over the garden as they bring fantastic colour at this time of year whilst a lot of other plants are still working at being showy.
Lovely pics guys. I love these too. Shiney - wow! I'm very jealous. I especially like the ones in the close up, I haven't got any like those, they are lovely
hi all i love aqualegia ,i had a beauty in a pot ,and when i moved house last november it came too, after i had made my borders i planted it and it was showing signs of fresh growth ,and i haven`t seen it since ,
Wow - some amazing pictures of some amazing blooms! Shiney - your purple/white and blue/white are quite different to any I have - very pretty! Your aqualeiga on mass are stunning! I bet your verge is greatly admired by passers by, it would certainly brighten my day! You must let us know who the celeb. in the pic was - come on, it's not fair not to say! Pal - I am amazed by your 'seedling'!!! She is gorgeous - and not atall like the parent (bar the colour)! Quite incredible. Does she have pariticularly long stamen? How many brothers and sisters does she have? I wonder what we would get with her seeds? Maybe you could send me a few to try?!!:D Thanks for posting pic - a result! :thumb: Here are a few more pics of mine, starting with Pal's blossom's mum: Was quite worried, because I created a new border, and almost demolished her in the process. I transplanted the new growth with as much root as poss early in the spring, and she has flowered, though a little smaller than last year. Phew! A close relative: and another: I do like this one: Pal - is this similar, though green tipped?: Interesting the pics of deeper colours didn't come out good enough to add (maybe poor light?) A named variety (forgotton the name!):rolleyes:: Norah Barlow (though I keep calling her Nelly!) And a 'mutant' which seems to be growing a baby - will see if it has opened later: The main 'patches': That's it for now!
The first photo I put on (white and purple) is Adelaide Addison which is a short plant and the flowers look upwards. Can't remember what the second one is. When I get a chance I shall take photos of some of the others. Mrs shiney says that we also have some varieties that bloom later. The profusion of aquilegia is one of the reasons that we open the garden at this time of year. They are scattered throughout the garden and set off the other plants quite well. Has anyone noticed that they seem to have grown taller this year? Some of ours are over 4ft high!