Are your brugmasia's flowering yet?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by daz and debs, Jun 18, 2008.

  1. daz and debs

    daz and debs Gardener

    Oct 26, 2006
    The reason i ask is cos mine don't seem to be growing verry fast.
  2. T Digger

    T Digger Gardener

    Apr 18, 2008
    Yes daz and debs, mine was bought last year as a stem cutting and flowered very late (Septemberish) last year. I cut it down to about 10 inches on each of the three stems around about November '07 and planted some of the cuttings, the ones I had most hope for were a bit thicker than a pencil and they rotted. Four others that I just stuck in some compost and were about an inch thick, rooted and are now about 18inches tall. The plant from last year has just had it's first two flowers, the new cuttings are still making growth but no flowers, I'm feeding once a week and always plenty of water. I think that they benefit from being slightly potbound to help with the flowering. It's worth keeping an eye on the leaves to check for greenfly other than that it may be because I'm down west in Cornwall which has helped bring them on, were your plants established or new cuttings this year?
  3. terrier

    terrier Gardener

    Oct 1, 2007
    OH has bought a pet Brug a few weeks ago, it has three flower buds on it but no sign yet of them opening. I hope they're hardy for the weather today has been atrocious, I've left it outside but in the lea of the wind behind some large pots. Must do some swatting up on Brugs. :o
  4. daz and debs

    daz and debs Gardener

    Oct 26, 2006
    Thanks guys.Yea here is the plant when i got it in the spring.I'll take a pic of the plant now tommorow so you can compare.[​IMG]
  5. Horsham Del

    Horsham Del Gardener

    Oct 6, 2007
    we sell these, and out of 30 odd plants that we've had this year, I've only seen one in flower. This is in a greenhouse too (unheated)

    Mind you, the flower was massive, almost as big as the plant!
  6. T Digger

    T Digger Gardener

    Apr 18, 2008
    daz & deb That is exactly what I bought in 2007, same company (based in Holland) same size etc. As I said it was quite late to flower last year but that may be because I potted it up three times before finding out that they benefit from being slightly potbound. There is also a lady down here in Cornwall who sells cuttings and also has a web site with useful info terrier, google ' daturas and brugmansias'. The smell in the evening is powerful, good luck with it
  7. T Digger

    T Digger Gardener

    Apr 18, 2008
    I should have mentioned that a lot of the time the plant is in my kitchen by the window and is put outside when it's a warmish day, it will stay outside if we have a half decent summer. The Cornish website is ---Daturas to go. Cheer T Digger.

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