Recent activities in the middle east, and the far east are a tad worrying. First we had North and South Korea having a set to in the far east, and now all hell seems to have broke loose in the middle east. Apart from the obvious concern for the people in the thick of it all, I can't help thinking this is like someone shaking a massive pot of nitroglycerine. It was on the news last night that two libyan fighter jets had landed in Malta, with their crews claiming that they'd been ordered to bomb their own people, refused to do so, and fled for fear of execution. Western governments are publicly condemning the Libyan government, and the UN is getting involved. I really hope this doesn't escalate, and I certainly hope Cameron and Obama don't take it upon themselves to commit already overcommitted forces to another no win situation.
My son has heard today that a huge solar flair is going to do it's worst on our planet in the near future. Perhaps that's the answer to the 2012 question!
There's not a lot we can do about it but watch. If you think about it the UK, Europe and the US made this "bed" after the war when we divided and carved up territories, making new countries, while trying to hang on to the old territories we had before the war. We've put Dictators in place, given them money to get guns, in exchange for oil, gold, diamonds and whatever else we wanted. We haven't really cared about the people under those regimes, merely shrugging our shoulders and looking at each other silently saying "not our fault, nothing to do with us" so long as we got our interests looked after. This situation has been coming for a long time and isn't finished yet, but our Governments past and present did deals with all these regimes, while looking down their nose at them and tut tutting at the repression to make themselves feel less guilty. Korea is another example. Who divided Korea into North and South? Europe and the UK did, to appease the Chinese communists and now it's a running sore with a nuclear missile waving manic Dictator threatening to blow everybody, not just South Korea, to kingdom come. European, UK, US political decisions all those years ago are coming home to roost!
Me too if they Bring back the F1 and the Moto GP to keep me interested I mean lets face it they have had to cancel already the opening race in Bahrain It is such a worry though being such close allies to the Worlds Police