Ash from a BBQ....any use?

Discussion in 'Compost, Fertilisers & Recycling' started by oakdaledave, May 10, 2010.

  1. oakdaledave

    oakdaledave Gardener

    Jan 22, 2010
    With, dare I say it, the bbq season almost upon us (we all hope) I was wondering if the ash from the bbq is any use around the garden? Just a thought, but I'm sure there will soon be LOADS of this ash, and would be good to put it to good use, if possible.
  2. boebrummie

    boebrummie Gardener

    May 3, 2010
    west midlands
    ash from bbq's and fires – can be used in the compost heap or in the garden to bring down the acidity of the compost,soil but don’t use too much though,otherwise it’ll get too alkaline). most of the charcoal briquettes that people use on barbecues tend to have random things added that you wouldn’t add to compost heaps or gardens – so unless you know they’re 100% wood based, it would be safer to leave them off your heap/veg plot.

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