Ask MzTrouble

Discussion in 'Gardeners Corner Question Time' started by mztrouble, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. mztrouble

    mztrouble Gardener

    Oct 12, 2007
    1. How did you come to join Gardeners Corner?
    I finally owned my first house (2.5 years ago) and 2 gardens to look after. I hated the back garden in the winter, and in the summer, although it looked lush and green, I didn't like the plants. 5 was a total beginner so my friend advised me (badly!) When I was trying to sort out my mistakes that summer, i stumbled across this and another forum. I only use this one now - everyone is so nice and helpful! I also find, often, I don't even need to ask my question (so I don't post that regularly), I can look it up and its already been asked by someone...

    2. Name the countries or counties you have lived in â?¦
    Essex (grew up)
    Portsmouth (uni and 2 years after)
    Croydon, Surrey
    Tooting, London
    Fulham, London
    Putney, London
    Hampton, Middlesex (now!)

    3. Describe the type of work you do.
    I'm a secondary school teacher which means everything gets neglected in term time and looked after in holidays!

    4. Describe how you first got into gardening â?¦
    My grandad loved gardening and we had a veg patch in his garden as kids. When I moved to London I was really poor and my friend suggested growing fruit and veg in pots. I moved them around with me for years, then when I brought my house, finally had my own garden to look after!

    5. What would be your dream type of garden and do you think you will ever be able to achieve it?
    by-the-sea cottage garden! lots of scented flowers mixed in with veg and herbs in a lovely haphazard way. I'd love enough space to have areas - social area - fire pit, bench a secluded bit - hot tub etc and a lovely pond. Above all, lots of nature using my garden too would be wonderful!

    6. Have you any particular favourites in celebrity gardeners, flowers, shrubs and/or vegetables?
    I love Alan Titchmarsh! His books are my bibles! I love himalayan poppies, lupins, pinks, jasmine, purple sprouting broccoli, rosemary...... and I love cherry trees!

    7. Have you ever entered any of your plants into shows?
    Nope. I am nowhere near good enough for that!!

    8. If you had a garden created in your memory, what plants do you think would most adequately sum up you and your life?
    Thats such a hard question. I have plants which remind me of different events in my life, and so I guess I'd have them....
    something peaceful, with space to play but pretty with lots of water and nature
  2. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    If you came out one morning and found that someone had magically created the garden you describe in your answer to Q5, would you be happy or would you be disappointed that you missed the adventure of building yourself?
  3. mztrouble

    mztrouble Gardener

    Oct 12, 2007
    I'd be super disappointed. I love the planning and doing part... for me, its never finished! :-)
  4. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    With such a busy working life do you find gardening therapeutic?

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