Hi everyone Can some knowledgeable person please confirm that I can increase my aubrieta plants by potting up the old flowering scraggley bits? How exactly do I do it? Many thanks
If it's anything like campanula, you need to find a bit that's trying to root and going from there. Should be possible though.
I think you won't get the old flowering parts to root, you'd be better trying to propagate cuttings from the normal growth (but I'm not an expert)
Aubretia grows very easily from seed Linlin. I would do that way then you can have as many as you like for next year.
Seed is perhaps the easiest way to produce a number of average aubretia and can be sown now to flower next year. However if you have select named varieties with larger flowers, different flower colours, double flowers, compact habit, or variegated foliage, these can be propagated true to type by cuttings. There should be new, semi-ripe shoots about now, particularly if the plants were trimmed over after flowering. Shoots taken 1-2in long with or without heel will root quite quickly in a gritty compost. They could then be potted up in small pots and grown on before planting out