I don't know what the situations are in your part of the country with Austerity Cuts. The latest thing,out of the blue with no warning,in my part of the country is. The older generation 65 and over and the Infirm and Disabled have had a concession for as many years as I remember,for their Grass to be cut every month at no charge to them by the local council. Due to Austerity cuts this has ceased and the Old,Infirm and Disabled will be required to come to a private arrangement by themselves to get their grass cut. An old lady who lives on her own and must be @88 years old ,has just paid £20 for her grass to be cut, by a private Gardener . The money could have bought her quite a few Groceries or helped her pay Gas/Electric or whatever. Austerity :::: Where does it stop ?..
It's a bit of a turn around from councils insisting that lawns must be maintained. I know its not much use to your lady in question, but just think if we used the opportunity to turn the barren lawns back into food production Music
I'm sorry that folk have to pay for it now in Scotland but as we never had such a concession down here in England I am amazed that the councils had the money for this in the first place, it must have cost a small fortune. Things will never be as good as they once were unfortunately, with state pension retirement age being pushed up to 70+, along with free bus passes and TV licences.
I cut lawns for 2 elderly villagers free of charge, all I ask is the clippings to use as mulch. I help somebody pick their apples and pears, get loads for myself but give them bottles of pressed pasteurised juice to drink. There's lots of stuff people can do for one another that doesn't cost anything other than a bit of time.
All the cut backs, all the degradation in this country and we all keep voting for more and more of it. This country has plenty of money its just the ridiculous way its being wasted thats causing all this misery.Strange country with equally strange population.
I worked on a 'government contract' for 10 years. That was long enough ago that I'm no longer contractually obliged to be quiet, but I don't want to give details anyway. suffice to say there was an insane amount of financial waste. to the extent that the contract quite probably cost 100 times what it should have.
Don't tell them, or they'll set up set up a 'reduction of insane waste working party', and appoint a new highly paid reduction of insane waste team manager, complete with a deputy, admin support, etc., who will identify all sorts of stupid 'savings' that will hinder productive staff and make them less cost effective.
Good morning all I've seen Austerity back in the 1950's only my personal opinion of course and not intended to offend anyone,if it does I will apologise in advance compared to then.now is a bowl of cherries,no one had anything but then we didn't know any different
Austerity only affects those that dont have much money, stupid statement I know, but that is how it works. I dont see much Austerity on the roads, lots of big brand new motors around. Lots of houses up for sale and sold within days. Its only if you are on benefits that Austerity actually bites, the rest are just carrying on as usual, but obviously moaning all the time about "the cuts".
The only maintenance in our local parks is done by a handful of volunteers now. I can see that austerity with my own eyes. Even the main cemetery in town is now tended by volunteers.
I'd forgotten about 'consultants'. The reduction of insane waste team manager engages consultants to advise on potential savings, and their report recommends a restructuring with the reduction of insane waste team manager becoming a Director of Savings and that the consultants continue to be employed to advise on money saving. The costs of all this are to be paid for out of 'yet to be identified future savings'. After their promotion, the new Director appoints the admin assistant they were having an affair with as the new reduction of insane waste team manager. Instead of making them redundant, all staff whos jobs no longer exist are now transferred to this very important department.
There's another 3 years of Council cuts coming up - so brace yourselves. Council's have a 'duty' to provide certain services (must do) and a 'power' to provide other services (the can do if you have the money) - grass cutting will be a can do if you have the cash scenario. All the cuts go against services that are provided under a 'power' - which is why libraries; leisure centres; rural bus services; grant funding to voluntary sector - that's all going, going, gone. Council's are only obliged to provide one refuse tip - but many provide more - which is why we see recycling centres close. The lions share of Council budget is spent on social services (duty) - so these are protected from cuts as much as possible. Anyway, at least it's sunny here - so mustn't grumble.
I remember those days - ("when I was a lad") I also remember austerity brought in by Harold Wilson. It didn't work then - but it nearly did.
Scotland need to sort the bus passes out They issue them to anyone over 60 meaning 60 year olds have free transport to and from work for eight years The bus companies are on the scam, they get re-embursed the fare by the council, every pass ticket goes from one terminal to the final terminal, even if one has just gone two stops