Autumn plants: Bolts from the blue

Discussion in 'Gardening News RSS Feeds' started by - Gardening RSS Feed, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. - Gardening RSS Feed

    - Gardening RSS Feed Guest

    There comes the sad, woeful feeling of autumn. Missed opportunities, projects unfinished, shortening day length, bad asters. Yep, asters: I can't stand them. The weak lilac blue of these wimpy late-summer daisies may be viewed by more high-minded gardeners as a wonderful sign of the coming season of fruitfulness. But I think the colour is more reminiscent of the touch of fungus on mouldy bread. Especially once the leaves get covered in mildew like swimming kit after a few weeks of school. Really, I should just be glad that asters can't take my opinion of them personally and get involved in some sort of elaborate revenge plan.


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